Flowing in the ocean...
Deep relaxation....
Spaciousness without thought...
Sensing only ease...
Beyond mind and body....
Oneness with self and the universe...
The massage you are going to receive is designed to give you a unique experience all your own. You may find yourself in deep stillness and a state of presence, relaxed and absent from any thought. There may be relief from known or unknown tension or pain often accumulated in the daily practice of life. You may encounter yourself in a blissful or even emotional place. Together, the session is co-created each time from your body’s needs and the wisdom of aware and intuitive touchwork.
The intention of an Esalen®massage is to nurture coherent connection, integrating body, mind and soul. I use long strokes
from head to toe, over and under the body at a slow pace; I pause and listen in order to foster a sense of wholeness.
My prayer for your session is that you touch into your own empowerment, harmony, and balance.
To attend to your specific needs in the moment, your session may be comprised of any number of various modalities, such as Deeper Bodywork; Triggerpoint; Acupressure; Rocking; ROM (range of motion); Reiki; and yoga infused stretches. We begin when I meet you at the door and guide you to my office space; there we will have a personal connection to briefly check in with your needs and current sense of being. As I listen, I design the session accordingly and intuitively.
Throughout your massage you will be respectfully and appropriately draped. The heated massage table and warm towels keep you warm and cozy in accord with your preferences. This will be your time to fully experience and go inward, while also being invited to give direction or feedback as to what does or doesn’t feel good to you (too much or too little pressure; too warm or too cool; music adjustments; etc.) I will end the session in gracious silence, save for a lovely gong to indicate completion. You will be welcome to remain on the table as you begin to come back into the feel of your freshly nurtured body and return to the here and now of the room at your own pace; YOUR massage session is a time of no rush. Fresh water will be awaiting you as you share some words about your experience or simply make your way home. 🙏
Our space